Connectpoint at CeBIT 2016 Fair


The annual CeBIT trade fair for IT, hardware and new technologies is held in Hanover. This year’s exhibitors feature more than 20 Polish companies, including us.

On 15 March, parallel to the fair, European Commissioner Günther Oettinger opened the “Startup Europe Ecosystem Day”. The inaugural conference featured a panel of “unicorns”, startups and ecosystem activists. The Commissioner asked them a key question: How can Europe become better at turning great ideas into innovative businesses capable of creating more jobs, developing new products, internationalising from day one and conquering markets?

The Commissioner ended his part with a challenge to the audience: “Tell me what to do, and together we will do it” – each of us can contribute to developing an innovative Europe. This sentence has stayed with us because none of our innovations comes about in isolation. Each requires collaboration with users, customers, technology partners and our employees.